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John Beatty

Kasey Beirnes

Kyle Beirnes

Evan Benham

Gerald Benham

Ryan Biggs

Jacob Black

Gord Bomhof

Jim Bomhof

Ted Boon **

Jordan Bosomworth

Morley Bosomworth

Steve Boys

Ian Bushey

Jayden Bushey

Shawn Bushey

Logan Cameron

James Carter

Rick Chilton

Rob Clark **

Ryan Clay

John Clayton

Nolan Clayton

Terry Conroy (TC) **

Doug Cook

Scott Cook

Cameron Coughlin

Jamie Cox

Jim Cushing

Kyle Detweiler

Rob Driscoll

Derek Elliott

Gord England

Mark England

Wayne England

Jim Fleming

Randy Fleming **

Rick Fleming **

Sandy Fleming

John Foley

Jack Francis

Corey Gammie

Scott Gerrie **

Steve Gerrie **

Dean George

Alex Gleeson

Blair Goss

Kyle Goss

Randy Graham

Curtis Hall

Troy Hall

Brett Harrison

Dean Harrison

Blair Hastie Gorvett

Doug Hastie

Kevin Hattle

Tyler Healey

Sandy Heseltine

Terry Heseltine

Tim Heseltine

Klayton Hoelscher

Brad Hutchinson

Brett Johnston

David Johnston

Kevin Johnston

Ryan Johnston

Tyler Johnston

Chris Jolley

John Keating

Victor Kelloway

Brad Landoni

Brady Landoni

Chris Landoni

Paul Landoni **

Rick Landoni **

Duane (Dewey) Langdon

Shawn Lantz

Nathan Lawlor

Donald Lindsey

Gary Lloyd

Rob Lockhart

Kevin (Archie) Lorch

Conar Love

John Lovell

Brandon Mackenzie

Pat (Wheels) Mackenzie

Jeremy Machin

Peter Machin **

Rob Marshall

Jerry Martin

Paul Martin

Paul May

Thomas May

Greg McCabe

Wayne McDonald

Brian McDougall

Davin McDougall

Ken McDougall

John McKenna

Mark McManus

John Merrick

Dan Morrison

Ryan Morrison

Shawn Murray

Mason Noble

Owen O'Donnell

Paul O'Sullivan

Mark Pfohl

Ben Piluk

Michael Piluk

Steve Pinchin

Kevin Rathwell

Kyle Rathwell

Bob Readyhough

Barry Redwood

Chris Redwood

Josh Rex

Bruno Richter

Louie Ristov **

Owen Ristov

Craig Robinson **

George Rogers

Laurie Rogers

Jamie Rooney

John Ross

David (Buzz) Rutherford

John Rutherford

Chris Sealey

Dean Sealey

Graham Sealey **

John Sealey **

Mike Sealey

Paul (Moose) Sealey

Josh Shafer

Matthew Shafer

Trent Spear

Allen Spies

Brodie Spies

Grant Spies

Jeff Spies

Leanne Spies

Cody Stannard **

Rob Stovel

JJ Swanston

Jim Swanston

Lynda Swanston

Dan (Bernie) Sytsma

Gary Tonkin

Ray Townsend

Brian Walker

Dwayne Walser

Stephen Warmington

Jake Weidner

Hyatt Welsh

Darryl Willfang

Jeff Williamson

Rob Wood

Kurtis Woodland

Alumni Members

Thanks for joining us on Facebook and on our other social media accounts. To become an official member of the Alumni please fill out our registration form. There is a one time fee of $100.00 and we will add your name, OR the name of a loved one who you would like to honour to our Mohawks Alumni plaque.

Elora Mohawks
Newspaper Clipping of Elora Mohawks
Elora Mohawks Team

**In Memory Of

Last Updated April 22nd, 2024

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